Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Patriot Act free essay sample

At midnight on October 26, 2001, George W. Bush signed the new law, the Patriot Act. This Act allowed the government to know what you are doing on online. The government also has the right to search your computer or send the FBI to search your house unannounced. The Patriot Act has increased security but lowered privacy. There is a question that the government is abusing the Act. Is the Patriot Act more helpful than hurtful or more harmful than handy? The â€Å"Patriot† in Patriot Act is an acronym for Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. It is unknown who wrote the Act. It was drafted, debated, and passed in only 45 days. People on both sides have strong feelings on the issue. Rumors say that the president was forced into signing it. In 2000, Authorities nabbed the â€Å"Wig Bandit† bank robber when surveillance tapes were shown on TV and a viewer recognized him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Patriot Act or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is an example of using spy technology to catch criminals. The Patriot Act, signed and passed in 2001, makes it legal for the government to spy. The Patriot Act allows someone to spy on you from so far away that you look like a period. In 2003, TIA is created and named Terrorist Information Awareness. New privacy rules go into effect as a result of TIA. People are free to gather personal information about you in order to sell your things. That is perfectly legal. However, they may not gather information in order to steal your things. The Patriot Act secretly arrested and jailed more than 1,200 people after the signing. All of their information was sent into a classified database. The Patriot Act lets the FBI to look at library records. The FBI knows your IP address. â€Å"I have brought peace and prosperity to my new Empire†, stated Anakin Skywalker. On May 19, 2005, Star Wars III was released in theatres. In the movie, the evil emperor justifies his dictatorship by ens uring that everyone will be safe and secure in his new Empire. Some people thought that the creator, George Lucas, was making a political statement against the Patriot Act lost liberty in order to be safe equals lost democracy. The Act allows law enforcement to use surveillance against more crimes of terror. It created higher maximum penalties for different crimes and it prohibited the harboring of terrorists. Victims of third parties can request a search to be done. It reflects new technology and new threats. Law enforcement can conduct searches without the terrorists knowing they are being searched. Terrorists’ plots have been thwarted out because the government knew what they are doing on the internet. No more terrorist attacks have occurred in America since the Patriot Act was signed and passed. The Patriot Act facilitates info sharing and cooperation among government agencies so that they could solve cases easier. Law enforcement officials may obtain a search warrant a nywhere a terrorist activity occurs. Nothing in the Patriot Act changed search and seizure. The Act expands the power of FISA courts. The Patriot Act ensures security, which protects Americans’ Liberty. The Law enhances freedom. The Act is vital to protect America’s safety. Society needs to be safe and secure to flourish. It’s the government’s chief responsibility to protect its people. How do we preserve our rights to pursue life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness from terrorists trying to destroy us? We need to put up with some inconveniences and loose some liberty to protect ourselves and our democracy. We have to pay higher prices for imported goods so that they can be search and deemed safe. We have to have our bags and bodies checked at airports. We have to understand that to protect ourselves we may be subjected to FBI searches. To be safe, we have to be willing to make some personal sacrifices. Democracy is based on checks and balances. Our ch ecks and balances system is strong enough to ensure that the Patriot Act is not abused. It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger†¦Ã¢â‚¬  -James Madison. Our forefathers stated that everyone is entitled to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. When liberties are constrained, we do not live in a democracy. Freedom is what our country is based on. It is a model for other countries, such as China, who do not allow liberties, such as free speech. Anyone who refuses to offer their allegiance to the country or the leader can be considered a terrorist under the Act. The Patriot Act could be abused to crush any supposed opposition to the government. Many of the things within the Act are not really accomplished. The Patriot Act cannot stop terrorism. There is a way to get past all technology blocks and firewalls. Firewalls cannot block everything. The company that put up the firewall can illegally sell the codes t hat can get your computer virus infected. When you make a purchase with a credit card you trust the store that it will not use your credit card to steal from you. Bill of Rights? Yeah, Right! Where is our freedom and free speech? Gone down the toilet since the Patriot Act 2001! Great Loss of Privacy on Oct. 26, 2001. Stronger internet privacy laws are needed, now! Every little click of a button is recorded, looked at, and stored in a memory base. Where is the privacy there? All to stop terrorism. Even though, 0 out of 5000 suspects have been convicted for terrorism. Children have the right to have online privacy. We have given up too many personal freedoms. The government now gets to search your home and never tell you. Your private property is now yours and the FBIs. They monitor your e-mails and your internet surfing. Government can arrest people on the internet. Violates the 1st (Freedom of Religion) and 4th (Search and Seizure) Amendments to the Constitution. Therefore there is no tangible evidence that the Act is working. A federal judge lifted a gag order that shielded the identity of the librarians. Free speech is important and the government is not showing it. The Patriot Act has backfired from a good thing to a bad thing. In total Roll Call number 414 there were 257 Yeas votes and 170 Nays. Court orders FBI to Release Patriot Act information. Some documents were opened to show the dumbness of the Patriot Act. It just makes America less safe and less free. Court declares parts of Patriot Act unconstitutional because it violates 1st and 4th Amendment. A federal district court judge struck down two key supports of Patriot Act, ruling that using a secret spying court to wiretap and search homes for criminal prosecutions. Censorship and secrecy may be turned on us as a weapon of SELF-DESTRUCTION, Court says. Two FBI agents searched a man’s house and the man was jailed. The Patriot Act has many pros and cons. Many people are very passionate about bo th sides of the issue. We are lucky to have a strong democracy. In this democracy, we have effective checks and balances to ensure the Act is upheld, deemed unconstitutional or not abused.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Joseph Priestley and the Discovery of Oxygen

Joseph Priestley and the Discovery of Oxygen As a clergyman, Joseph Priestley was considered an unorthodox philosopher, he supported the French Revolution and his unpopular views caused his home and chapel in Leeds, England, being burned in 1791. Priestley moved to Pennsylvania in 1794. Joseph Priestley was a friend of Benjamin Franklin, who like Franklin was experimenting with electricity before turning his full attention to chemistry in the 1770s. Joseph Priestley - Co-Discovery of Oxygen Priestley was the first chemist to prove that oxygen was essential to combustion and along with Swede Carl Scheele is credited with the discovery of oxygen by isolating oxygen in its gaseous state. Priestley named the gas dephlogisticated air, later renamed oxygen by Antoine Lavoisier. Joseph Priestley also discovered hydrochloric acid, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide. Soda Water In 1767, the first drinkable man-made glass of carbonated water (soda water) was invented by Joseph Priestley. Joseph Priestley published a paper called Directions for Impregnating Water with Fixed Air (1772), which explained how to make soda water. However, Priestley did not exploit the business potential of any soda water products. The Eraser April 15, 1770, Joseph Priestley recorded his discovery of Indian gums ability to rub out or erase lead pencil marks. He wrote, I have seen a substance excellently adapted to the purpose of wiping from paper the mark of black lead pencil. These were the first erasers which Priestley called a rubber.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

WONDERWORKS (TN) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WONDERWORKS (TN) - Essay Example The Wonder world building is among the many architectural developments that initiated changes and abilities for building designs to take shapes different from the normal that considered the need for the foundation to have a huge base that can carry the pressure of the whole structure. Wonder works is an amusement center that provides fun to all people ranging from children to mature people. With a wide range of activities involved in the place, many of the amusement activities have standards developed for safety of the users and the constant information of the management to the people on a number of occurrences. The occasions creates an attachment to the customers to keeps them protected and ensuring that they play their role in ensuring safety is provided for at all times. Much of the material developed here reflects the architectural works that went into the development of the structure. The details of this work provide an understanding into the works that went into the development of this building and the different questions of when, where, the size, civilization and cultures involved in the construction. The works also consider the nature of the construction as per the years when it was constructed comparing with the current level of input that would have gone into it if it were to be built today. Considering these, the materials used, and the possible material components of the structure, one understands the developments into the architectural field and their effects to the works in general. The details of the work explain these factors starting with a bibliography of Wonder Works. â€Å"WonderWorks Pigeon Forge: 50% Theme Park, 50% Science Museum, & 100% Fun† as the saying above goes, Wonderworks is a placed filled with fun and amusement. The place is located inside a very huge upside-down building, which is a symbol of great architectural works that existed since the years of earlier developments in buildings. The building provides amusement,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Creating a Plan for Positive Influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Creating a Plan for Positive Influence - Essay Example In order to be able to invoke a motivated, well allied team, we will have to generate an inspiring milieu in which it can toil also discover victory. This implies making sure that every affiliate of the team is aware of the reason that the team is existent to support. If we are able to clearly define the mission to the team members they would be able to recognize the broader perspective. It ought to clearly affirm the final purpose that the team members need to work towards. Being able to convey this to the members of the team implies being able to motivate the team, in addition to also helping them concentrate on it. - Reverence for one other: This consists' of vigorous listening, giving opinion, also respecting variety with reference to the morals, expertise, and forte of every team member. Vigorous listening is one of the most influential announcement tools anybody can implement. - Variance management: Though a lot of individuals are hesitant to it, variance can now and then be an ingenious force, adding new thoughts and vigor to a team. Ingenious conflict desires daring and directness, though; unreceptive argument ought to be kept away. Instituting strategies for administering a conflict is essential. - Taking decisions: If there is a difference of opinions in opinions, the resolution mechanism should be designed beforehand. The leader of the team will have some influence over the decisions but the team members. - The management of time along with the obligation: This may perhaps take in a principle heartening punctual onset at the meetings, or else daunting diversions throughout the team actions, like the usage of mobile phones or else other handheld devices (Drillings, 1994, pg 149). Comprehending the team member's viewpoint towards motivation, satisfaction and performance: Each and Every individual's sagacity of remuneration as well as satisfaction for their input to a team exertion will be diverse. It is significant to categorize this for every team affiliate so that the responsibilities can be given away efficiently also suitably. A few team members might have a distress in mounting new potential, in which case they might wish for a task that is not within row with their practice. This will call for added maintenance also training from the team leader. A few others may possibly favor a team task that boosts their skill within a specific region. An efficient leader can assist team members in looking for a role with which they are relaxed by providing deliberation on their potency as well as practice. Allocating tasks In order to work efficiently and competently, a variety of tasks have got to be crammed. If everybody is after breeding thoughts, there will be no one to realize them. If everybody is anticipating to be enthused, no motivation will take place. The complete variety of task responsibilities have to be allocated to make sure that the entire execution procedure is enclosed, from thought formation to liberation as well as conclusion: The individual goals ought to be: - Precise - Computable -

Monday, November 18, 2019

Global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global warming - Essay Example You’ve been greatly successful in offering appropriate illustrations, examples, and explanations all through your speech, effectively enhancing them with elaborate graphics. Significantly, the data you’ve provided throughout your speech have been concise and handy, ornamented with computer-model charts, photos, archival footage, and cartoons. The ultimate impact of using these tools in the speech is that the audience is easily persuaded by the seriousness of the issue as these dramatically illustrate the influence of the issue of global warming on the entire universe, and on the U.S. in particular. I’m particularly impressed with the pertinent point of your speech, i.e. the human beings have been destructively influencing the planet by way of manmade pollution and other threatening acts. However, I’m more impressed with the way you have been emphasizing the compelling case for decisive action, through your forceful words and effective mannerisms. In short, I’m highly convinced that you’ve secured a respectable place among the world’s most natural public speakers through your show of public speaking ability in this campaign. Work Cited â€Å"An Inconvenient Truth.† Top Documentary Films. Feb 17. 2011.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysing counterfeit production in Malaysia

Analysing counterfeit production in Malaysia Malaysia has a counterfeit market value of $378 million, with software dominating $289 million of that market value. (Havocscope Global Market Indexes, 2008). Most often the news broadcast on counterfeiting in Malaysia are usually associated with branded goods, and now, these items are circulating in the form of essential products and used on a daily basis. The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministrys enforcement division, through their ruthless raids in pursuit of these types of goods, have identified imitation products such as garments, electrical items, pharmaceuticals, shoes, bags, leather goods, watches, cigarettes, batteries, sauces, engine oils, toothpastes, detergents and canned food, to name a few. It is clear that anything that has a demand and potential to be copied would consistently attract infringers to resort to reaping profits through producing similar counterfeit items which would then be sold to blind and ignorant consumers. WHAT IS COUNTERFEITING? I) Counterfeiting can be defined as any manufacturing of a product which so closely imitates the appearance of the product of another to mislead a consumer that it is the product of another. II) Counterfeiting is ultimately an infringement of the legal rights of an owner of intellectual property. ARTICLE SUMMARY REGARDING CURRENT ISSUE Malaysia is not excluded in becoming the region of dumping ground for a wide range of sub-standard and counterfeit products such as cosmetic products, medical goods, clothing and electrical items. Government have structured framework and protection mechanism for Asean consumers. More than million inspections were done and nearly 13000 with products valued RM 137.5million were sealed. ARTICLE REVIEW FOR COUNTERFEITING Counterfeit goods flooding Asean region New Straits Times, Jan 19, 2007 PUTRAJAYA: The new television set in your living room might not be what you think it is. And that bottle of perfume could have come from a back lane. This region has become a dumping ground for a wide range of sub- standard and counterfeit cosmetic products, medical goods, clothing and electrical items, and Malaysia has not been spared either. The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry launched a discussion on consumer protection initiatives at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations level to stop this illegal practice. Minister Datuk Mohd Shafie Apdal said yesterday a central body, based in Kuala Lumpur, would be set up this year to co-ordinate regional action against the dumping of sub-standard goods and protect consumers. We have structured the framework and protection mechanism for Asean consumers. It is just a matter of implementing it, he said. He said the feedback he received during visits to Myanmar and the Philippines had been good, and the Asean Secretariat was also receptive to the idea. He plans to visit Vietnam, Laos and Singapore soon to discuss the idea with his counterparts. And it will be highlighted during the Asean senior economic officials meeting to be held soon. At the ministrys monthly gathering, Shafie said that more than 7,500 complaints were filed with the Malaysian Consumers Claims Tribunal last year. The tribunal had set up a database on the standard operating procedure for tribunal kiosks to be set up soon. Shafie said that more than a million inspections were done on business premises last year and nearly 13,000, with products valued at RM137.5 million, were sealed. PRODUCTS THAT ARE MOST LIKELY TO BE COUNTERFEIT 1. SOFTWARE The counterfeit software trade in Malaysia, and especially Kuala Lumpur, is thriving so much that it is practically considered the norm and to such an extent that it is harder to get hold of genuine software than counterfeit. Crackdowns and raids have mainly proved ineffective and counterfeit software is brazenly sold in shopping malls and plaza. 2. LUXURY AND FASHION GOODS The counterfeits range from poor imitations to quite good copies retailing at higher prices. When it comes to, for example, sunglasses the quality can be poor, the logo can be smudged and the workmanship can be shoddy but, from a distance it look like you are sporting a Chanel or Prada sunglasses. The fake sunglasses can damage our eyes as they almost just made of coloured plastics which are not ideal for a country bathed in tropical sunshine. 3. CDs AND DVDs In 2007 sniffer dogs, Lucky and Flo uncovered more than one million counterfeit discs or more known as pirate`s discs worth more than 3 million USD, hidden in boxes at a shopping centre. 4. PHARMACEUTICALS Counterfeiting of drugs is being taken seriously by Ministry of Health. Things to look out for are : over-the-counter drugs such as Panadol pills and Eye-Mo drops. Mainly affected are the developing countries with weak drug regulatory control and enforcement. The problem is further exacerbated by a number of other factors: scarcity and/or erratic supply of basic medicines, uncontrolled distribution chains, large price differentials between genuine and counterfeit medicines, lack of effective intellectual property right protection, lack of regard for quality assurance and corruption in the health-care system. 5. PERFUMES Counterfeiting is a well-advertised problem in this industry. The distribution of perfumes is normally restricted to exclusive retailers and cause price stability. Channels of distribution on the grey market include street traders and small shops. Most consumers buying these fakes are aware that it is not the genuine item and that the product is of a lower quality. It is very common, however, for the trader to pretend that the goods are stolen in order to deceive the consumer about the quality. THE IMPACT OF COUNTERFEITING ACTIVITIES 1. IMPACT TO OUR COUNTRY ECONOMIC ( WHERE COUNTERFEITS ARE SOLD) Job Losses Counterfeiting affect employment because job shift from the manufacturers to counterfeiters. It is because of the goods produces by manufacturers are unsaleable because consumer switch their preference in choosing goods to counterfeit foods due to lower price than the genuine goods without knowing they are purchasing counterfeit goods. As a result, manufacturers has to shut down their business causing many employees loss their job and become unemployed. Reduce Potential Foreign Investment For some industries, the level of countereiting may be relatively important, whereas in others it may be minor consideration. Countries with lower rates of counterfeiting and relatively higher in economies has higher foreign investment. Counterfeiting also can affect the commercial trade sector and as a result can affect potential foreign investment. Tarnish Malaysia`s reputation in the eyes of tourists Malaysia`s goal to increase the tourism sector cannot be accomplish if counterfeiting is still exist. Tourist from every corner of the world who come to Malaysia can relatively easy to avoid buying fake handbags and sunglasses but another matter when it comes to consumables and pharmaceuticals. Fake pharmaceutical products can endanger tourists and affect Malaysia`s reputation as a chosen destination to visit. Discourage investment in product development High levels of counterfeiting could reduce the incentive of some firms to invest in the development of new products and processes. It is happen because company know that they cannot get return as high as they expect from the investment. Government has to spend large amount of money in disposing counterfeit products Malaysia`s government have to spend large amount of money in funding police and other investigation and enforcement operations as a way to dispose and reduce the counterfeit activities in Malaysia. 2. IMPACT TO COUNTRIES WHERE COUNTERFEITING TAKES PLACE Foreign producer of reputable products refuse to manufacture their products to the countries. For example, China, India, Hong Kong Such countries will suffer both tangible and intangible losses. First, foreign producers of reputable products become reluctant to manufacture their product s in countries where counterfeiting is widespread as fast as infection disease because it seems like they cannot rely on the enforcement of their intellectual property rights. Hence, such countries not only lose direct foreign investment but also miss-out on foreign know-how. Cause export losses If many products from such countries, including genuine ones, gain a reputation of being poor quality, this will cause export losses which in turn implies both losses and loss of foreign exchange. It could be argued that the counterfeiting industry creates jobs but these jobs are often poorly paid, often involve substandard working conditions and sometimes use child labour. Discourages new invention from manufacturers The widespread of counterfeiters in a market discourages inventiveness in that country since it prevent honest producers from investing resources in new products and market development because they know the risk that counterfeiters will counterfeit their products. Tax losses A further direct loss for the government of countries that become the main centre for counterfeiters, are tax losses, since the counterfeits are normally sold through secret channels and counterfeiters are not generally eager to pay tax on their ill-gotten gains. Financial losses are increasingly shown to justify action by enforcement officials. 3. IMPACT TO RIGHT HOLDER (PRODUCER) Suffer direct loss in number of sales First of all, industries which find themselves in direct competition with counterfeiters suffer a direct loss in sales. Indeed, some markets are even dominated by counterfeiters, creating barriers of entry for the producers of the genuine product. Some would argue that the buyers of the fakes would not have bought the genuine item but that is a very narrow argument and can only apply to a small segment of luxury goods. Many counterfeit products today are of higher quality and compete directly with the genuine items. Damage brand value and firm reputation Counterfeit or pirated products may damage the brand image and reputation of firms over time. For instance, those consumers who believed they were buying a genuine item when in fact it was a fake, will be likely to blame the manufacturer of the genuine product if the fake does not fulfil expectations, thus resulting in a loss of goodwill. If consumers never discover that they were deceived, they may be reluctant to buy another product from that manufacturer and may communicate dissatisfaction to other potential buyers. Spend large amount of money in protecting and enforcing property right Beside direct losses of sales and goodwill, one should not forget the expenditure involved in protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights. The right owner becomes involved in costly investigations and legal action when dealing with counterfeiters and may also have to spend further sums on product protection. 4. IMPACT TO CONSUMER Paying an excessive price for inferior products Ultimately, it is the consumer who pays the cost of unfair competition between counterfeiters and producers. Although many consumers believe they are getting a bargain when they buy counterfeits, the actual value of the product is normally much lower. Hence, they end up paying an excessive price for an inferior product. Exposed to many disastrous effects The inferior qualities of many counterfeits, particularly those relating to health and safety, have had disastrous effects. It is no longer rare to find counterfeit parts in aircraft and other vehicles causing death and injuries, or counterfeit pharmaceuticals in hospitals. For example, pharmaceuticals, electrical appliances, parts in aircraft, foods and beverages. CASES REGARDING THE COUNTERFEIT GOODS IN THE MARKET Dozens of people died in Cambodia through taking ineffective, fake malaria medicines. Law enforcement in Zambia seized fake shampoo containing acid. Body-builders and others buying steroids on the black market in Australia were sold repackaged livestock steroids as human steroids. Diseased pig meat was used in counterfeit cans of pork luncheon meat in China. In India, counterfeits of drugs were used to fight antibodies in Rh-D negative mothers. Fake crocs is being accused on insulting Muslim belief as the word Allah is print on the fake Crocs` logo. FACTORS INFLUENCING COUNTERFEITING i. Advances in technology New technology has not only benefited manufacturers of genuine products, but also counterfeiters. The photocopying machine is, for example, considered to be one of the main tools in a counterfeiters tool box. New techniques have furthermore enabled counterfeiting of what were normally considered as high-tech products, too complicated to fake. Pharmaceuticals, electronic components and rescue equipment are some examples. The counterfeiter can demand a higher price for his low-cost products since these products have a high value-added element. ii. Increased international trade International trade, including trade in counterfeit products, has increased dramatically over the last few decades. Almost all regions are both production and consumption areas for counterfeit products. Although an expansion of boundary measures would enhance the means of conflicting international trade in counterfeit goods, it is not likely to produce most important results unless matched by a related increase in the resources available to customs authorities to devote to anti-counterfeiting work. iii. Emerging markets A number of economies that were previously controlled are now being transformed into free market economies. Unfortunately, the speed of transformation has been somewhat too fast for the enforcement agencies. Markets are now emerging as both large producers and consumers of fakes. Although counterfeiting occurs more or less throughout the world, East Asia, including China, is still pinpointed as the main source of fakes. This region has increased its relative share in world trade, implying increased exports of counterfeits along with genuine products. iv. Emerging products Manufacturing now accounts for 75 per cent of total world exports. Processed, high value-added goods are naturally also more likely to be counterfeited. Electronic products, such as software and music recordings, are not included in world trade figures. These are rapidly becoming the products most affected by counterfeiting. It is difficult to predict whether counterfeiting will decrease or increase in the expected future. On the one hand, technological development is enabling counterfeiters to produce fakes relatively cheaply and easily. Top suppliers of counterfeit goods in the world include: China $ 221.7 million (81 %) India 2 million (6 %) Hong Kong $ 13.4 million (5 %) Taiwan $ 2.6 million (1 %) South Korea $1 million (

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sammy in Updikes A&P Essay -- John Updike

The main character in John Updike's short story â€Å"A&P† is Sammy. The story's first-person context gives the reader a unique insight toward the main character's own feelings and choices, as well as the reasons for the choices. The reader is allowed to closely observe Sammy's observations and first impressions of the three girls who come to the grocery store on a summer afternoon in the early 1960s. In order to understand this short story, one must first recognize the social climate of the era, the age of the main character, and the temptation this individual faces. Sammy is a product of his generation. In the 1960s the social climate was changing. The new ideas of the youth were taking over the traditions of their parents. Music and the drug culture began to change the perspective as more people were listening to rock and roll music and experimenting with mind-altering drugs in an effort to free themselves from the strict societal demands of the 1950s. Sammy demonstrates this as he describes his work uniform - the bow tie and apron. This can also be observed when Sammy's manager, Le... Sammy in Updike's A&P Essay -- John Updike The main character in John Updike's short story â€Å"A&P† is Sammy. The story's first-person context gives the reader a unique insight toward the main character's own feelings and choices, as well as the reasons for the choices. The reader is allowed to closely observe Sammy's observations and first impressions of the three girls who come to the grocery store on a summer afternoon in the early 1960s. In order to understand this short story, one must first recognize the social climate of the era, the age of the main character, and the temptation this individual faces. Sammy is a product of his generation. In the 1960s the social climate was changing. The new ideas of the youth were taking over the traditions of their parents. Music and the drug culture began to change the perspective as more people were listening to rock and roll music and experimenting with mind-altering drugs in an effort to free themselves from the strict societal demands of the 1950s. Sammy demonstrates this as he describes his work uniform - the bow tie and apron. This can also be observed when Sammy's manager, Le...